Cat. No. BM0100
Sample: up to 200 μl of whole blood
For research use only
The BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for isolation of genomic DNA from blood cells. Its unique buffer system will efficiently lyse cells and degrade protein, allowing for DNA to be easily bound by the surface of the magnetic beads. Phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required, and high-quality genomic DNA is eluted in the BM Release Buffer. Genomic DNA purified with BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit is suitable for a variety of routine applications. The entire procedure can be completed within 15-20 minutes (using most magnetic separators) or the kit can be easily adapted to satisfy most automated Nucleic Acid purification systems.
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BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit (Blood)

BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit (Blood)
Cat. No. BM0100
Sample: up to 200 μl of whole blood
For research use only
The BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for isolation of genomic DNA from blood cells. Its unique buffer system will efficiently lyse cells and degrade protein, allowing for DNA to be easily bound by the surface of the magnetic beads. Phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required, and high-quality genomic DNA is eluted in the BM Release Buffer. Genomic DNA purified with BM-Bead Genomic DNA Kit is suitable for a variety of routine applications. The entire procedure can be completed within 15-20 minutes (using most magnetic separators) or the kit can be easily adapted to satisfy most automated Nucleic Acid purification systems.

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Danyang Vantai Experimental Equipment Co., Ltd
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